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Jānis Gailis


Academic position

Lead researcher
Dr. agr.



Acquired bachelor's (2002) and master's (2003) degrees in biology, studying at the Biology faculty of the University of Latvia and studying, respectively, the oak forest and the fauna and ecology of the grey dune beetle. A PhD of Agricultural Sciences (Dr. agr.) was obtained in 2018 by studying at the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. In the context of the promotion study, the use of “Carabidae” as indicators for integrated plant protection in wheat volumes has been studied. In parallel to academic studies, Janis Gailis has also specialized in nature conservation – the identification and ecology of specially protected forest habitats and specially protected species of invertebrates. This is confirmed by an expert certificate in the field of protection of species and habitats.



Areas of expertise

Potentially harmful and economically useful insect species in agriculture
Research and control of harmful organisms in integrated and organic farming
Broad bean weevil
Bee fauna and diversity
Useful organisms
Harmful organisms
Submitted on: Mon, 02/08/2021 - 11:43